Cerritos Elementary School Home

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School Mission & Vision

Our vision for Cerritos Elementary School (CES) is that it exists to prepare students for a productive life in the twenty-first century. We believe citizens of the future must be life-long learners able to work and interact in a diverse society.  Our goals for students are to master grade level content standards, use critical thinking and problem solving strategies, develop communication skills, and demonstrate positive and democratic social interactions.  By providing a rigorous academic and caring environment, we strive to help students realize their full academic potential, develop positive self-concepts, and gain enthusiasm for learning.  We encourage all students to develop responsibility for their own behavior and a concern for others.  Our goals are aligned with the goals of the ABC Unified School District (ABCUSD).  We invite our community to help plan and participate in implementing programs to prepare students for a healthy and successful future.
By providing a rigorous academic and caring environment, Cerritos Elementary School strives to help children realize their full potential, develop a positive self-concept and enthusiasm for learning.  We encourage all students to develop responsibility for their own behavior and a concern for others.  We incorporate the goals of our school district and invite input from members of our community to help plan programs to prepare children for a productive life in the twenty-first century.

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school of choice information

2025-2026 ABCUSD Schools of Choice

Click here for information regarding the 2025-26 ABC Unified School District's Schools of Choice process and timeline. The Schools of Choice Webinar will take place on November 13, 2024 at 6:00 pm. More information can be found here: